Monday, 23 September 2013

ShuteOrganic Show, 2013

Take a look at photos from Amanda Isaac's ShuteOrganic fashion show, during the Brooklyn Fashion Week! 


Thursday, 19 September 2013

There is a house.

Hello everyone,

Here are several pictures I took one rainy morning in Shelter Island, where I was staying at a friend's house, during the last week of August. 

Have a good week!


Wednesday, 18 September 2013

What is that??

I've been hearing that question a lot. Fascinated by the late August-Early-September light, I started a new series of photographs. This is probably my favourite time of the year, when the light, just for a few weeks, turns golden and creates beautiful, long shadows. The idea of depicting light and the abstract shapes and colours that it creates, came to me in late June, when I realised, I was getting tired of moody, black and white, high contrast stuff that I usually do. I like abstract. Good abstract isn't bad, plus it makes you wonder - what is that?? More to come.
